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Walk of Fame

Jana DeZwarte-Newest Inductee

Jana DeZwarte is our 2023 Inductee into the USP Walk of Fame.  She has appeared on stage in many diverse and distinctive roles.  In addition to starring in many USP shows, Jana has served on the USP Board of Directors and been instrumental to many successful USP projects and events.  Jana is well known in our community as a USP Veteran and representative for our organization.  Our heartiest congratulations to Jana as our newest inductee into this prestigious group,

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Walk of Fame honorees since 2008 from left to right: Shelley Buhrow, Bev Graves, Don Graves, Jim Palmer, Carolyn Scharff , Arvin Van Zante, Denise Gregory, Deb Linn, Spencer Vermeer,  Pati Van Zante, Not Pictured -Doug DeWolf, Dottie McGee ,Pat Moriarity, Peggie Moriarity, Lisa Witzenburg, Wendy Vanderwell, Tom Vanderwell, Mat Kelly, Anne McCullough Kelly, and Jana DeZwarte.


In 2008, the Union Street Players Board of Directors instituted the USP Walk of Fame. The term “Walk” of Fame was chosen specifically over “Hall” of Fame because a “Hall” is typically a place where you hang memories of those who have retired but a “Walk” embodies the idea of those who are still actively on a journey. To their credit, many members of the USP Walk of Fame continue to contribute to USP productions in significant ways. The Walk of Fame is a way to honor individuals who have gone above and beyond in contributing to the success of USP over a long period of time. The general criteria outlined by the USP Board of Directors for consideration and inclusion in the Walk of Fame includes:

  • Ten or more years of active involvement

  • Participation in multiple roles (e.g. actor, director, producer, board member, lights, stage manager, and etc.)

  • Contributing to the furthering of USP’s mission


The original intent of the Board of Directors was to honor one individual each year at an annual awards dinner. However, the Board has chosen to honor more than one individual in some years (three in 2008, two in 2009 and 2013) and none in others (in 2012 the group celebrated all members in its’ 25th anniversary). All inductees are chosen by the Board of Directors, though anyone can nominate individuals for consideration. Once an individual has been nominated, he or she will continue to remain in consideration each year unless the Board deems that the individual nominated did not meet the basic criteria.

Theater Marquee Lights


Dottie McGee
Pat Moriarity
Arvin Van Zante

Bev Graves
Peggy Moriarity

Shelley Buhrow


Deb Linn


USPs 25th Anniversary


Patricia Van Zante

Lisa Witzenburg

Don Graves


Carolyn Scharff


Spencer Vermeer


Doug DeWolf


Wendy VanderWell


Tom Vanderwell


Denise Gregory



Jim Palmer


Mat Kelly

Anne McCullough Kelly


Jana DeZwarte


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