Drama Camp
Elementary Camp
August 5-9 , 9am - 12pm
Performance: Friday, August , 6:00pm
For students entering grades 1-5*
Camp Director: Sarah Bentzinger
Middle School Camp
August 5-9, 1pm - 4pm
Performance: Friday, August 9, 7:30pm
For students entering grades 5*-9
Camp Director: Sarah Bentzinger
*Students entering 5th grade can choose either camp.
Camp Fee: $75
For registration questions, contact Lynn Cutler at lynnjcutler@gmail.com.
To register, go to the Home Page and Under "Drama Camp" click on "Get Tickets"
Union Street Players' drama camp is an annual week-long opportunity for young people to learn the basic overview of theatre and stage craft. Camp activities include: script writing/reading, set and prop building, acting, mime, puppetry, characterization, vocalization, improv, reader’s theatre, audition preparation, costume shop visit, make-up clinic, and more!!!
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