Costume Shop
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Open By appointment
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Union Street Players is proud to have a Costume Shop that most communities would envy. The Costume Shop not only serves our award winning community theater, but also provides our entire community with quality, inexpensive costume rentals for:
Community theatre productions
Costume Parties
School plays and projects
Church skits, plays, and musicals
Dances, formals, weddings
Personal parties and events
The Costume Shop is open Saturday mornings 9-12. Entrance to the shop is located at 2265 Graceland Cemetery Road in Pella .
Costume Donations
Union Street Players is a non-profit organization and all proceeds from costume rentals are returned to USP for future productions. We graciously accept costume and vintage clothing donations. Basically, we like all kinds and ages of clothes, shoes, hats and accessories. We’re grateful to the community for making the shop an ever-growing success.
Denise Gregory (541-571-3002) is currently managing the Costume Shop. If you need rentals outside of our Saturday hours, please call Denise on the cell phone listed and we will have someone meet you.